14 déc. 2010

Top Ten Tuesday (1)

Ce meme est organisé par The Broke and the Bookish et a été repris par plusieurs blogueuses francophones depuis peu (Karine et Shopgirl entre autres). Je trouve le concept sympa, et le thème du jour m'inspirait particulièrement : Top Ten Most Anticipated Books in 2011 ^^

Je vais rester très livres YA, mon "genre" (si vaste pourtant!) préféré du moment :

1. Nightshade de Andrea Cremer
2. Wither de Lauren DeStefano
3. Delirium de Lauren Oliver
4. Matched d'Ally Condie
5. Across the universe de Beth Revis
6. XVI de Julia Karr
7. La série Perfect Chemistry de Simone Elkeles
8. The unidentified de Rae Mariz
9. La série Pouvoirs Obscurs de Kelley Armstrong
10. Monster High de Lisi Harrison
... et bien d'autres encore !

2011 va être fabuleuse =)

This meme is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish and was recently taken up by several French speaking bloggers (Karine and Shopgirl among others). I find the concept nice, and the theme of the day especially inspired me : Top Ten Most Anticipated Books in 2011 ^^

I'm going to pick only YA books, since it is my favorite "genre" (yet so vast!) for the moment:

1. Nightshade by Andrea Cremer
2. Wither by Lauren DeStefano
3. Delirium by Lauren Oliver
4. Matched by Ally Condie
5. Across the universe by Beth Revis
6. XVI by Julia Karr
7. Perfect Chemistry series by Simone Elkeles
8. The unidentified by Rae Mariz
9. Pouvoirs Obscurs (Darkest Powers) series by Kelley Armstrong
10. Monster High by Lisi Harrison
... and many more !

2011 is going to be fabulous =)

4 commentaires:

  1. your welcome. By the way. I'm excited to read the same. Especially Delirium and Wither. I have to see for the others.


  2. I am looking forward to Matched too but hoping I can read it before 2011! And I've heard fabulous things about Delirium too :D

  3. This is such a brilliant list! I, too, am so excited for these books, and Delirium was amazing, so the rest have me totally excited :D

  4. Meghan > :) Delirium and Wither sound amazing! I love dystopia!

    danya> I haven't yet ordered it, and since The Book Depository packages take a week to get here in France, I think I'll have to wait until 2011 to read it ... But, almost against my will!

    Melissa > Thank you! I read so many good reviews about Delirium!!
