27 déc. 2010

Descent of the Angels Reading Challenge 2011

Je sais, encore un challenge ! ... Je deviens accro je crois ;)

Cette fois, on parle d'anges, très présents dans les livres young adults en ce moment, j'en ai pas mal sur ma PAL ou ma LAL.

Le challenge, co-organisé par Momo de Books Over Boys et Anaiz de Reading with Anaiz consiste à lire au moins 12 livres dont le personnage principal est un ange, ou dont le sujet principal a rapport avec les anges. Les livres peuvent être de nouvelles parutions, comme des anciennes, peut importe ! Ils peuvent également être des livres lus dans le cadre d'autres challenges.

Le challenge se déroulera du 1er janvier au 31 décembre 2011.

J'ai déjà une liste en tête, elle grandira sûrement au cours de l'année :)

1. Unearthly de Cynthia Hand (Goodreads)
2. Crescendo de Becca Fitzpatrick (Goodreads)
3. Torment de Lauren Kate (Goodreads)
4. Angelfire de Courtney Allison Moulton (Goodreads)
5. Halo de Alexandra Adornetto (Goodreads)
6. Heavenly de Jennifer Laurens (Goodreads)
7. Le baiser de l'ange de Elizabeth Chandler (Goodreads)
8. La malédiction des anges de Danielle Trussoni (Goodreads)

I know, another challenge! ... I think I'm getting addicted ;)

This time, it's about angels, currently very present in young adult books, I have a lots of this kind of books on my TBR-pile or my wishlist.

The challenge, co-hosted by Momo from Books Over Boys and Anaiz from Reading with Anaiz is to read twelve books that have at least one angel as a main character or have angels as the main focal point of the story. The books could be old releases or new releases! They could also be cross-over reads (angel books that are being read for other challenges)!

The challenge will run from January 1st to December 31st of 2011!

I already have a list in mind, but it surely will grow up during the year :)

1. Unearthly by Cynthia Hand (Goodreads)
2. Crescendo by Becca Fitzpatrick (Goodreads)
3. Torment by Lauren Kate (Goodreads)
4. Angelfire by Courtney Allison Moulton (Goodreads)
5. Halo by Alexandra Adornetto (Goodreads)
6. Heavenly by Jennifer Laurens (Goodreads)
7. Kissed by an Angel by Elizabeth Chandler (Goodreads)
8. Angelology by Danielle Trussoni (Goodreads)

4 commentaires:

  1. Hey Pisi! :)

    Thanks for joining in! Lots of great angel books coming out this coming year! Good luck and happy reading!


  2. Momo > Thank you ! I can't wait to start :)

  3. *rolls out the red carpet* Welcome aboard, this will be a blast :):) Thank you for making a challenge post!

  4. Anaiz > oooh the red carpet?! Such an honor ;) Thank you !
